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Nice job.  I think at one point there was an enemy around but no arrow pointing to it. Might be a bug? I really like the way shooting feels.


Thanks for the feedback!  The enemy arrows I made work in a strange, inconsistent  way.. I don't think I'll be keeping them.  Getting things to feel good was a big objective for me, so I'm glad you like the shooting! 

Nice game, I liked the music and pixel art, and the particle effects.

I didn't get through too many waves, so I might have missed some content.

The aliens can speed up to pretty crazy speeds if they follow you for long enough, making it very hard to hit them. I noticed there was a bit of knockback when you shoot them, but it's not quite enough to keep them away particularly when they're going fast.

The gameplay feels kind of disjointed because there's two separate things you need to do: fight aliens, and repair parts of the ship. You never have to, say, defend a repaired part of the ship from attacking aliens, or get attacked while repairing.

Hey man, thanks for playing!  I appreciate your feedback.

I think you're right with the aliens getting to move too fast like that.  I had to make a last minute change to how things moved on screen this morning when I realized I'd broken the First Great Unity Commandment: Always using Time.deltaTime XD.  There are also balance problems throughout the whole thing that aren't fixed.

As for your second note, I'm really interested as to why you thought that.  The aliens and the damaged components are meant to be related in that they're both threats to the ship's health over time, so the idea is that you have to deal with both as quickly as possible.  Would you say that it would feel less disjointed if it was more clear to the player that the aliens are damaging the ship?  Or would you say it would be better overall to implement a mechanic that combined the aliens and the components more thoroughly like you suggested?  

On my first run through I didn't even really notice the green "ship health" bar decreasing because I was more concerned with my player's health bar (Which was decreasing much quicker). I think both of the things you mentioned would be good (clarity on aliens damaging the ship & combining the two actions).


Thank you so much for saying that.  That could mean that one of the games major flaws stems from the fact that its not clear to the player that they have to keep both themselves and the ship alive, and also that the ship takes damage.  What you noticed that felt disjointed could be because of any number of things, but that could be a good place to start.  Thank you again for your feedback!